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Jessie Saville

Climate Change, LGBTQIA+, Education, Racial Injustice, Gun Violence, Hunger/Food insecurity, Mass Incarceration & Criminal Justice Reform, Refugee Crisis and Immigration, Women and Girls, Animal Welfare, Gender violence , Human Rights
Impact Producing, Impact Strategist/Advisor, Alternative Distribution
Cultural/racial identity:
White British
Self identification:


Jessie Saville is the Impact Producer at WaterBear Network, an award-winning digital publisher and interactive streaming network dedicated to our planet. WaterBear is an impact-led content creator, campaigner and distributor; and offers a range of digital on-demand and linear products globally. WaterBear specialises in storytelling that is both educational and entertaining, designed to grow and inspire a community across the world to take action. Jessie works as part of WaterBear's editorial team, creating impact through strategic messaging in the content shared with the WaterBear community and the theory of change strategy for impact campaigns as well as embedding impact throughout the company.